Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Serapis Bey - After added new URLs , sentences

Serapis Bey who protected spiritual movement at the under ground near the Nile River in the Super Ancient Egypt 
: That is what I knew 3 years ago .

This is like a part 2 of my comment at yesterday.

I realised the time of acceptation who I am and what came from my past or my spiritual background are relating me at a present life, even I am living my present.

Now really my good timing to know or sense and accept about what spirits guided me in my past and spirits from Universe have been relating with me.

My interest is also White Brothers which is pointing out a power of White Light.

I have memorised Serapis Bey is that White Light and relating White Brother but maybe it is only the spiritual under the ground society such as Serapis Bey was the spiritual being at under the ground near the Nile river.

When I searched White Brothers, came up this , as below, some  by Wikipedia and the other some kind : 

Great White Brotherhood

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great White Brotherhood, in Theosophical and New Age belief systems, are said to be supernatural beings of great power who spread spiritual teachings through selected humans.[1] The members of the Brotherhood may be known as theMasters of the Ancient Wisdom or the Ascended Masters.[1] Various people have said they have received messages from these beings, including most notably Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Theosophy), Aleister Crowley (Thelema), Alice A. Bailey (New Group of World Servers), Guy Ballard ("I AM" Activity), Geraldine Innocente (The Bridge to Freedom),Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Church Universal and Triumphant) and Benjamin Creme (Share International).[1]

[edit]See also

White Brotherhood

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The White Brotherhood was an urban society (or militia) of Toulouse established in 1211 during the episcopate ofFolquet de Marselha, so-called from its members' habit of wearing white crosses on their chests. The society, called a "pious institution" by William of Puylaurens, was militant towards usurers (Jews) and Cathars, robbing them and destroying their homes. Most of the Whites came from the city proper. A Black Brotherhood, so-called in opposition to the White, was soon formed and two factions went to war in the streets of Toulouse. According to Puylaurens:
Daily the two parties would clash, banners flying, bristling with weapons, even with cavalry in evidence. Through the agency of His servant the bishop, Our Lord came to bring them, not a bad peace but a good war.[1]
From the White Brotherhood Folquet selected 500 men-at-arms and sent them to aid the Albigensian Crusade in besiegingLavaur. The bishop even composed pro-Crusade sirventes for the troops to sing. Count Raymond VII, however, forbade the citizens to go and tried to force Folquet from the city. The White Brotherhood did go, however, and the bishop eventually left as well, to join the siege at Lavaur.
The White Brotherhood gained notoriety among the opponents of the Crusade. The troubadour Gavaudan wrote the song A la plus longa nuech de l'an in which he criticises the "foolish white people", almost certainly a reference to the Whites of Toulouse.[2]


  1. Images for white brotherhood



So, Serapis Bey and White Light were mixed up at my memory holder in my brain?
I need little more time to do search. 

I have to think and should not mess up White Light or White Brother and White Brotherhood.

I was told by one Japanese monk about Serapis Bey is my one of spirit links same  as my comment at yesterday.

However what I have experienced in New York BEFORE THAT MONK`s reading is : 
I was welcomed by the one secret letter at first , and I was invited to have some wisdom of Egypt.

I looked my self and knew me who likes Egyptian blue , stone from Egypt , Egyptian hair style for woman , darker skin like golden brown , and I love movie stories an ancient taste such as Arabian, Middle eastern, Mediterranean.

I also got my memory back , how I wanted have a travel for the whole world when I was just 7 or 8 years old. I was saying to my self ; " I do have a travel for the whole world, that is my way to be ."

Now I as growing woman can say ; 
" I might had a travel for the whole world in my past life.  I with my soul may had so many times life on Earth, I might was Egyptian , Greek, Italian, French, Spanish , Polynesian , Chinese at an ancient time or my ancestors life on Earth but more more Bhutan side mentality and so on. "

I love Bhutanese. They and King and Bhutan are today`s miracle for me.
Simple life , simple thought and deeply wisely linked with natures and people. 

They are really in the real oneness : " You are in me and natures, I am in you and natures , natures are in us, with us, really with us . "  

It`s the beauty, real beauty for me. 
I tears in a happy feeling when I see them on TV screen or on inter net, and I see my self have a smile and how my heart is praising them, how much I am feeling a love to them, sensing a real Earthy life of a mankind , which has a life spirit of no harm nothing. 

I know the government in Japan lost it`s a core spirit to lead us or guard us. 
Why and How......... we see answers in our day life.

That is saying at same time ; " My soul is having a travel for the whole world on Earth, and now I as Japanese have a last travel for Universal ET souls assignation. " 

Is that how good crazy imagination ? 
Well, I do not care what people think about me, how judge me, how talking about me.  

I like my vision about me! 
I like a beautiful sounds as vibe sometimes massage my brain in my head even don`t know how those sounds come in my head, I believe them from my soul birth station planet in Universe.

Thanks Universe Origin Root non name God , my Universe and my planet.
Thanks Serapis Bey, I love you so much. Do not give up on me...

Serapis Bey

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Serapis Bey[1],[1] sometimes written as Serapis, is regarded in Theosophy as being one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom; and in the Ascended Master Teachings is considered to be an Ascended Master and member of the Great White Brotherhood. He is regarded as the Chohan (or Lord) of the Fourth Ray[2] (see Seven Rays). C. W. Leadbeater wrote thatHenry Steel Olcott was given occult training by Serapis Bey when his own master, Morya, was unavailable.[3] A series of alleged letters from Serapis to Olcott encouraging him to support Blavatsky in the founding of the Theosophical Societywere published in the book Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom.[4]




It is thought that Serapis Bey was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis.[5] It is also believed that he was incarnated as the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III (who constructed the Temple of Luxor to the god Amun[6] and also as Leonidas, the King of Sparta,[7] who was killed in 480 BC defending the pass of Thermopylae against the invasion of Greece by Emperor Xerxes I of Persia. According to the teachings of Agni Yoga,[8]Serapis Bey was in past lives the Roman King Numa Pompilius, the philosophers Confucius, Plato and Lucius Anneus Seneca. He is referred in the book Supermundane as "The Thinker".


Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that Serapis Bey, after being killed as Leonidas in the battle of Thermopylae, immediately reembodied as Phidias (c.480 BC - c.430 BC), the greatest of all classical Greek sculptors.[9][10][11] He then attained his Ascension, becoming anAscended Master about 400 BC.[12]

[edit]Identification with the Hellenistic deity Serapis

Serapis Bey has been identified by Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings with the godSerapis who was the syncretic Hellenistic/Egyptian god created by King Ptolemy I to be the deity of his capital city ofAlexandria.[13] 
Serapis was the patron deity of the Library of Alexandria.[14]

[edit]Function in the spiritual hierarchy

C. W. Leadbeater wrote that many artists are on the fourth ray of harmony and beauty, which Serapis Bey is said to oversee as Chohan.[3] In the teachings of Alice Bailey the fourth ray is called the ray of harmony through conflict.[2]Ascended Master Teachings organizations consider Serapis Bey to be the Chohan of the Fourth Ray of Purity, Harmony, and Discipline.[9]

[edit]Skeptical view

The scholar K. Paul Johnson maintains that the "Masters" that Helena Blavatsky wrote about and produced letters from were actually idealizations of people who were her mentors.[15]
Also see the article “Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements” by Paul Zweig New York Times October 5, 1980, which maintains that Helena Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent.


  1. ^ Image of Serapis Bey: distributed by ZakaiRan and painted by New Age Artist Peter Fich Christiansen
  2. a b Bailey, Alice A, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Section Three - Division A - Certain Basic Statements), 1932, Lucis Trust. 1925, p 1237
  3. a b Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925. The Theosophical Publishing House. page 238
  4. ^ Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom transcribed and annotated by C. Jinarajadasa, 2nd Series. Chicago, Illinois: The Theosophical Press, 1926
  5. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 149
  6. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 153
  7. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 150
  8. ^ Elena Ivanovna Roerich. Letters to America. In 4 Vols (1923-1952). - T. 4. - Moscow: Sfera, 1999.
  9. a b Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life - Book II. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  10. ^ Booth, Annice The Masters and Their Retreats Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and The Summit Lighthouse
  11. ^ Schroeder, Werner Ascended Masters and Their Retreats Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, Listing of Ascended Masters by The "I AM" Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  12. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 152
  13. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 156
  14. ^ Sagan, Carl Cosmos New York:1980 Random House Pages 20 and 21: Illustrations show Serapis presiding over the Great Hall of the Great Library of Alexandria
  15. ^ Johnson, Paul K. Initiates of Theosophical Masters Albany, New York:1995 State University of New York Press


  • Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925 Theosophical Publishing House
  • Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 - Summit University Press

[edit]Further reading

  • Campbell, Bruce F. A History of the Theosophical Movement Berkeley:1980 University of California Press
  • Godwin, Joscelyn. The Theosophical Enlightenment Albany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Johnson, K. Paul The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood Albany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Melton, J. Gordon Encyclopedia of American Religions 5th Edition New York:1996 Gale Research ISBN 0-8103-7714-4ISSN 1066-1212 Chapter 18--"The Ancient Wisdom Family of Religions" Pages 151-158; see chart on page 154 listingMasters of the Ancient Wisdom; Also see Section 18, Pages 717-757 Descriptions of Various Ancient Wisdom Religious Organizations


セラピス・ベイ(Serapis Bey、ときにSerapisとも表記)[1]は、神智学で「古代の知恵の大師」(Masters of the Ancient Wisdom)の一人とみなされる存在である。そしてAscended Master TeachingsではアセンデッドマスターAscended Master)でありグレート・ホワイト・ブラザーフッドの一員とみなされている。彼は第四光線のコハン(Chohan、あるいは主)[2]と見なされている(「第四光線」についてはSeven Raysを参照)。チャールズ・ウェブスター・リードビーターは、ヘンリー・スティール・オルコットモリヤと面会できなかった時にセラピス・ベイからオカルトの訓練を授けられたと書いた [3]神智学協会設立のため、ブラヴァツキー夫人を補佐するようセラピスがオルコットに薦めたという一連の手紙が、「知恵の大師たちからの手紙」として出版されている[4]



化身 [編集]


アセンション [編集]

Ascended Master Teachingsの信奉者はセラピス・ベイが、テルモピュライの戦いでレオニダスが戦死した後すぐさま、彫刻家ペイディアス(紀元前490年頃 - 紀元前430年頃)として再び肉体を得たと信じている[8] [9] [10]。そして、彼がアセンションに達し、アセンデッドマスターとなったのは紀元前400年頃のことであるという[11]

ヘレニズムの神セラピスとの同一視 [編集]

セラピス・ベイは神智学の徒とその信奉者たち、Ascended Master Teachings によって、首都アレクサンドリアの神としてプトレマイオス1世が造りだしたヘレニズム時代のエジプトの習合セラピスと同一視された[12]。セラピスはアレクサンドリア図書館の守護神であった[13]

スピリチュアル・ハイアラーキーでの働き [編集]

リードビーターは多くの芸術家たちが、セラピス・ベイがコハンとして監督する調和と美の第四光線にいると書いた[3]アリス・ベイリーの教えでは第四光線は闘争を通した調和の光線と呼ばれる。Ascended Master Teachings organizationsではセラピス・ベイが清浄、調和、および規律の第四光線のコハンであるとみなしている[2][8]

参照 [編集]

  1. ^ Source of Image of Serapis Bey shown above distributed by ZakaiRan and painted by New Age Artist Peter Fich Christiansen
  2. a b Bailey, Alice A, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Section Three - Division A - Certain Basic Statements), 1932, Lucis Trust. 1925, p 1237
  3. a b Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925. The Theosophical Publishing House. page 238
  4. ^ Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom transcribed and annotated by C. Jinarajadasa, 2nd Series. Chicago, Illinois: The Theosophical Press, 1926
  5. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 149
  6. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 153
  7. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 150
  8. a b Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life - Book II. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  9. ^ Booth, Annice The Masters and Their Retreats Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and The Summit Lighthouse
  10. ^ Schroeder, Werner Ascended Masters and Their Retreats Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, Listing of Ascended Masters by The "I AM" Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  11. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 152
  12. ^ Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 -Summit University Page 156
  13. ^ Sagan, Carl Cosmos New York:1980 Random House Pages 20 and 21: Illustrations show Serapis presiding over the Great Hall of the Great Library of Alexandria

出典 [編集]

  • Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925 Theosophical Publishing House
  • Prophet, Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Lords of the Seven Rays Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 - Summit University Press

参考文献 [編集]

  • Campbell, Bruce F. A History of the Theosophical Movement Berkeley:1980 University of California Press
  • Godwin, Joscelyn. The Theosophical Enlightenment Albany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Johnson, K. Paul The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White BrotherhoodAlbany, New York: 1994 State University of New York Press
  • Melton, J. Gordon Encyclopedia of American Religions 5th Edition New York:1996 Gale Research ISBN 0-8103-7714-4 ISSN 1066-1212 Chapter 18--"The Ancient Wisdom Family of Religions" Pages 151-158; see chart on page 154 listing Masters of the Ancient Wisdom; Also see Section 18, Pages 717-757 Descriptions of Various Ancient Wisdom Religious Organizations

外部リンク [編集]

















*_Here it is for Japanese.  I can feel my one of connections_*







              ナチュラルスピリット刊 から抜粋


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