Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This is at the first , this is the episode of 3 years ago at a area of my day by day living.

I was noticed by a one Japanese monk , because I asked, I was interested, to know any kind of spiritual link of my boy friend who is so closer to me.  
The closer means : As you know the man and woman has an argument sometimes, has struggle to get an agreement between both, to have a negotiation almost for an each activity of one`s at the every week end or the every day by so many reasons.

I studied about American mind of argument. Thanks my dear.

An argument to have An agreement. 
Argue can changes shape to Agree.
Many or most of Japanese try to NOT have argument. So do I.

Unfortunately or fortunately ... I had no choice and changed to be an arguable which I never was in my life in Japan. 

But, I sensed a reason of Japanese,whom sense each other even no words or less, no conversation or less,no argument or not so much to have it if compare some American who I know, and concertante - concerted reaction - concerted effort - do concern : Concern with out to have an argument, avoid argument. This is the wife and husband`s mental manner for each others as the best model in Japan even at today. 

Tow humans, a man and woman especially husband and wife with children need to be like the one Concert music as concentrated.

Indeed, human vibes are music and have Hz(hertz),hopefully a peaceful Hz creates lovely family relation ship. A home can be the heaven even the out side of world is like a hell.

Concentrate. Conce(r)n t rate, Concentric as tow are in a rounded electric energies of yin and Yan.

Conce (r)n tric(ar) a married life with children. no more 2. Children come with 2,but 2 of a man and woman still has basically the main melody line at a home, because both are parent and adult but only ages are adult for sometimes, for somebody.

Conce(r)n tric(k). We carefully need concern tricky matters in this world to hold own valuable lovely family for Universe and for Earth in future, even no more futures on this Earth, yet our souls be.

Argu(e)-ment. Argue is the based word, can be Agree.

So, I started to take a new point of view to concern my self and my boy friend.

I got know what spiritual links he has. Here it is. 

I was a kind of in shocking for his, and I did not think much because of that information was a powerful to me, honesty also his other link is Archangel Michele. 

If I believe 100% of its information and praise him, I may listen him whatever he says, whatever he asks and I may lose my right to see him as a human. 
A reality is , he is still human being ,and he was moody, emotio-nal,sensitive but holding " me, me, listen me " mind much more than me. Sure he has lovely mind like a Rainbow than me too.  I am a over the rainbow - it`s a my joke -  and I do not know what is it like yet.

Now after 3 years, my memory back about Metatoron also.
What I thought at 3 years ago as sentences as above was right at the one hand.
Now, he finally became who I can agree with him after had many arguments with him in a day by day living : He got his progressive forward to take the reality of his life, and in his effort for the taking back true him self which proved me what a information I got is right and right to take a good side of view about him.

The person who loves to see anything with out horrible news and loves everybody include homeless people and friends who don`t work or drink too much, sometimes cause trouble especially if he or she dose not have a capital to enjoy many dramas and do welcome people who he or she wants to help.

And, no capital to enjoy all what he or she want have , ask money to the room mate or person in a special relation ship , is very WRONG for me.

He or she is sweet heart or not is not a matter.
He or she have to work hard to make all come true to him or to her by his self , by her self at a first.

If he or she cannot make it, then they have to give up what they can not have and suggest for self, is just illusional being as dreamer but no strength to build own life up.
Because yet we need some money to feed us, to pay rent fee, to buy things for us or others is our reality.

My boy friend is my hero now. He did it, changed his eye level to see how he is more valuable for this society and for his life.

He got a better balance to how to survive better,how live on better life with out feeling what he is taking the lower achievement and with out the feeling shame him self.
Finally,he surely saddled in its mental level after 3 years past.

And a name of Metatoron backed to me.
I never ever heard about a name of Metatoron until 3 years ago.

When I searched about Metatoron, its article was the shocking punch for me. 

Metatoron effects such as a human tendency and trend of bisexual energy as my understanding for on the spiritual line, and this is my human level`s expression what came from that article when that time,in 3 years ago.

Eventually , when I see around and news, the whole world is getting MENTAL bisexual influences as spiritual as I feel.

It is DNA shift, changing our inner body and cells and hormones in an era of Pole Shifting ???.

Now still in a middle of shifting process which divides a human male and female or animal man and woman ???

It will be more clearly appearing and coming out the under the Sun light : 
Animal man and woman can not hide their dark mind anymore , and losing Mother hood female energy in own inner may cause trouble around him and her, at same time, it is sad news for themselves too.

I think of Metatoron help us to be well balanced being of  male - do right things as Water and female - mother hood grace as Sun.  In one man, he has both energies and In one woman, she has both energies. 

This is inner Sun, Mother hood energy ◯ 
This is inner Water can be Ice and can be contaminated by many reason as we know, but this is 十 in ◯

+ should not be so powerful than Mother hood Sun ( Maria of Christ ) , that is why Metatoron showed up at this age of 21 century. I think....

An old man hood status , rule , politics , economy world 

and so on is a stink for today.

We are waiting but have to create the new man hood spirit 

which stands for the US and for the world. 

It is such as my boy friend could not appeared its spiritual link in him even he had been link with Metatoron.

I believe my timing for the catching fresh fish - fresh information which the important for me and someone who closer to me was good.

It is really good to knew about Metatoron at 3 yeras ago.

I kept its fresh fish in my freezer and took out in a right timing. 

Thanks Metatoron to gave me to concern so many things in 3 years and You let me knew the chance to write about You and Your Negative and Positive  magnetic Universe , Your Negative  and  Positive , both  are  immense.  At a same time and in the same energy movement, both are micros and it is the principle for our inner universe. 

Its micro should have a principle, it is our inner Negative Positive activity, that is why.

Metatoron is in us and in Universe. That is the so simple.

Take Morning Sun light! 
Mother hood energy come from it, not afternoon Sun light.

Praise and thank for Morning Sun light!

Metatoron is always in Sun light 

and in Air and in Water with Earth

and in us.

He and She is Negative  and  Positive Twin energy.

That is my confidence.

Let take to read what others are commenting about Metatoron.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

(from Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix.). 

Metatron is an angel in Judaism, some branches of Christianity and Islamic tradition Witchcraft. 
However, there are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament), the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) or any Islamic source.

There is no consensus as to his genesis or the role that he plays in the hierarchy of Heaven and Hell. 
A mysterious figure, Metatron is identified with the term, "lesser YHVH" which is the Lesser Tetragrammaton - in a Talmudic version read by the Karaite scholar Kirkisani.

The word 'Metatron' is numerically equivalent to Shaddai according to Hebrew gematria, therefore he is said to have a "Name like his Master".

The Talmud records an incident with Elisha ben Abuya, also called Aher ("another"), who is said to have entered Paradise, and saw Metatron sitting down (an action in heaven that is permissible only to God Himself). 
Elisha ben Abuya therefore looked to Metatron as a Deity, and is reported to have said, "There are indeed two powers in heaven!"

The rabbis explain that Metatron was allowed to sit because of his function as the Heavenly Scribe, writing down the deeds of Israel, mush as Thoth was the Egyptian scribe.

According to one school of thought
Enoch was taken by God and transformed into Metatron, explaining the mysterious passage "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away (Genesis 5:24 NIV). 
However, this viewpoint is not shared by many Talmudic authorities.
There may be two Metatrons, one spelled with six letters, and one spelled with seven. 
The former may be the transformed Enoch, while the latter is the Primordial Metatron.

The Zohar calls Metatron "the Youth", identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt, and describes him as a heavenly priest.

Metatron is also mentioned in the Pseudepigrapha, most prominently in the Hebrew Book of Enoch (also called Third Enoch), in which his grand title, "the lesser YHVH" resurfaces.

 According to Johann Eisenmenger, Metatron transmits the daily orders of God to the angels Gabriel and Sammael. 

Metatron is often identified as being the twin brother to Sandalphon, who is said to have been the prophet Elijah.


  • 3 years ago

____**____ 3 years ago? I did not read this as above , what I had is no more showing up on a line at today. 

More from the on line search. Let take read and you may see my point of view.

Metatron, the Archangel of the Presence, is as real and tangible as the chair you sit in as you read this. 

He is as close as the heart pumping blood within your chest and, if you choose, he can become as important to your everyday life as that very same circulatory system.

  • balancing your masculine and feminine energies
  • balancing your material and spiritual pursuits
  • balancing karmic issues
  • bringing peace and understanding to your life issues related to past and current incarnations
  • promoting better and more fulfilling relationships between you, others, and Creator

____***___Third one. This is more I like___***___

Metatron's Cube

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Metatron's Cube
Metatron's Cube

Metatron's Cube is a three-dimensionalgeometric figure created from 13 equal circleswith lines from the center of each circle extending out to the centers of the other 12 circles. 

This image creates the Fruit of Life. Six circles are placed in a hexagonal pattern around a central circle, with six more extending out along the same radial lines.




Metatron's Cube is a figure in sacred geometry. Its name makes reference to Metatron, an angel mentioned in apocryphal texts including the Second Book of Enoch and the Book of the Palaces.[1] 

These texts rank Metatron second only to YHWH in the hierarchy of spiritual beings. 

The derivation of Metatron's cube from the tree of life, which the Talmud clearly states was excluded from human experience during the exile from Eden, has led some scholars (including Johann Andreas Eisenmenger) to portray Metatron as the means by which humanity was given knowledge of YHVH; 

presumably implying that study of Metatron's cube would be necessary to understanding the tree of life.

The pattern delineated by many of the lines can be created by orthographic projections of the first three Platonic solids

Specifically, the line pattern includes projections of a doubletetrahedron (aka stellated octahedron), a cube within a cube (a three dimensional projection of a tesseract), and an octahedron

Although the image below shows the dodecahedron and the icosahedron fitting the pattern of Metatron's Cube, the vertices of those shapes do not coincide with the centers of the 13 circles (the icosahedron projection in the image below is false).[2]

Metatron's Cube (derived from the Fruit of Life) begets the five Platonic solids, including a star tetrahedron (stellated octahedron)

[edit]See also

[edit]External links


  1. ^ A. Orlov, The Enoch-Metatron Tradition (Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005) 148-208;
  2. ^ Lawrence Swienciki. "Swienciki class materials". Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso. Retrieved 27 November 2011.

______* Thank you so much for your visiting and reading my Japanese English which never came from any English school , but from everyday my life in USA ______*

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