Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A information : More Meteorites ? - A half in Japapese


2014-02-19 08:23:55 | ディスクロージャー


Videos: More ‘Meteorites’… Japan, Netherlands, Cuba?

Videos: More ‘Meteorites’… Japan, Netherlands, Cuba?

Videos: More ‘Meteorites’… Japan, Netherlands, Cuba?

Stephen: OK, so yesterday I felt that the Russian ‘meteorite’ shower may not be quite what we are being led to believe. http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/videos-meteorite-shower-hits-russia/
Now comes news of other similar (though not as dramatic) ‘fire in the sky’ incidents over the past couple of days; each in unconnected countries in diverse areas of the world – Japan, the Netherlands and Cuba.
The Netherlands report (below) suggests it was the re-entry of a Russian Soyuz rocket.But I can’t find anything to indicate that that could be the case.
Video 1 – Japan (footage from various areas)- Thursday, February 14 at 1.04am local time
Posted on YouTube by Sheila Martin. Includes footage from Tokyo, Nagano and Saitama.
Video 2: Alkerk, Netherlands  – Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 10.435pm local time
Posted on Alweeronline.nl, who says: “It looked like a meteor, but it actually was the re-entry of the Russian Soyuz rocket on February the 13, 2013.”
Stephen: Now that IS an interesting comment, although I cant find anywhere that a Soyuz spacecraft was even launched around this time.
YouTube Preview Image
Rodas,_Cuba_LocationStory – Rodas, Cuba – Friday, February 15 at 8pm Local time -
From Xinhua News
HAVANA, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) — An object fell from the sky over central Cuba on Thursday night and turned into a fireball “bigger than the sun” before it exploded, a Cuban TV channel reported Friday, citing eyewitnesses.
Some residents in the central province of Cienfuegos were quoted as saying that at around 8 p.m. local time Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) they saw a bright spot in the sky comparable to a bus in size.
The object then turned into a fireball “bigger than the sun,” said the witnesses, adding that several minutes later they heard a loud explosion.
One resident told the TV station that his house shook slightly in the blast.
Cuban experts have been dispatched to the area to look for possible remains of the meteor-like object, said the report.
It remains unknown whether the reported phenomenon in Cuba is related to Friday’s meteor strike in central Russia, which set off a shockwave that shattered windows and left some 1,000 people injured.

Cuba Town Also Rocked by Celestial Body
HAVANA TIMES — Homes in the central Cuban town of Rodas, Cienfuegos shook on Wednesday evening after an explosion overhead, reported ANSA news service.
Witnesses reported the fall of a celestial phenomenon that ended with a huge explosion with a very bright light in the sky that shook their homes, said ANSA citing the Cuban morning TV news program as its source.
Experts are scouring the area in search of any remains that fell to Earth. No reports of injuries or damage to property has come in.
Meanwhile in Russia on Friday, a piece of a meteorite caused extensive material damage and nearly a thousand injures were reported in the Ural region of the country.
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しかし、驚くべきは、上の動画にあるように、落下してくる隕石を、何処からともなく現れたUFO が破壊し、分解してくれていることです。そばに来ている二つのオーブ(丸い光の生命体)も、映像に映っていますね。




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