Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let take looking back what Narudeko have written

Hello , readers!

I want readers , whom read English, take her article seriously for this time, even seems nothing change after 12/21/2012 as there were the negative picture as Dark power`s creation and the positive picture as Light power`s creation, what they were is with out my concern for now.

I felt something peace in me before that day comes, I suggested it ; there be possibly nothing for Natural destructive event , may not happen the earth crash, etc.  

How many days past after it ? , I have met with most of blogs as Cosmos range from the earthy mentality and politics to the lawful universal activities  which support us and the earth , now I am enjoying to read and copy onto my my blogs after the day of 12/21/2012.

This is one of those blogs. I want you click on names which linked to you read.
An article as below is a part of her`s, which most for writing in Japanese.

))) アセンションとはプロセスであり、12月21日を境に、5次元の波動が地球とその上に存在する人間を覆いつつあるのは本当だ。だが、それだけで私たちが完全意識に戻ることは難しいようだ。



She thinks as her six sense is as below :

(American Kabuki + Removing the Shackles + Tom Heneghan + Ben Fulford) + (Cobra + Poof) = Sheldan Nidle のメッセージ


このPeople's TrustWanta Fund通貨見直し合衆国から州脱退の動きなど、断片的な情報を寄せ集めれば、シェルダン、そしてCobra のメッセージに近づいてくる。

The 2012 Scenario でのインタビューによると、シェルダンはチャネラーではない。


Enjoy to read all ! For New Life on Earth and for New Universal Union !

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